Website Launched 🚀

Published on 18 Oct 2019

Well I guess if you’re reading this article, you already know this site has been launched huh? It’s been a project years in the making and took several tries and re-starts before I finally took a step back and settled on one main criteria - cost.

My portfolio site originally started out as a Craft CMS build hosted on a linux server but I never really got round to finishing it (due to one reason or another). I was therefore paying for hosting services and licenses that I was never fully utilising, which in retrospect seems like a waste of my hard earned cash. So I went back to the drawing board and started again, but this time I was doing it on the cheap!

With cost being the main criteria I knew I’d have to compromise on several key features of a “normal” website such as storage, performance, as well as a few other things. But in order to help get the ball rolling I asked myself the following question - “A portfolio website needs to showcase a number of different things, but what doesn't it need to be?”:

  • It doesn’t need to be fancy - showcase my work/experience/portfolio. Keep it simple
  • It doesn’t need to be super dynamic - how often will the site update anyway? 🤷‍♂️
  • It shouldn’t be expensive - no point in paying for services I don’t need

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a solution I’d recommend to most of my clients (or anyone who isn’t a developer for that matter) but I run this site for around $35 (£27) per year. That’s only £2.25 a month! Which is surely to be within most peoples hosting budget right? This cost is purely down to the yearly cost for my domain ( There’s no hosting fees. No license fees. It’s all open source, and it’s all free.

Two benefits of this website build I feel I should mention is that because of its simplicity, it performs very quickly and is also pretty secure because a static website like this doesn’t have a database that can be maliciously manipulated. Here’s the stack used:

I’ll put together a multi-part tutorial on how I implemented this site in the near future for any other web developers out there who want a flat file CMS website on the cheap - so watch this space.

Feel free to have a look around to find out a little bit more about me and take a look at some of my latest projects.